Info for owners of multi-residential buildings
In an extremely competitive market, wellness and security have become top priorities for owners, developers and residents of high-rise buildings. Assuring the quality of potable water now ranks among top concerns.
Fortunately, our precision-engineered technologies support your commitment to water quality, and serve as a real differentiator in the marketplace.
Omicron 10 micron filtration delivers the International Well Building Institute's Standard for Fundamental Water Quality. Whether or not your property is specifically seeking WELL certification, this WELL Water Feature is a meaningful metric to assure residents of building water quality.
Many projects now underway or recently completed, even those built to provide luxurious living, did not include building-wide water filtration during design. To be fair, many MEP engineers are not that familiar with the details of New York's water quality factors or "what to know" about water tech.
Filtration system nearing completion for a 60-story NYC building to ensure water quality for residents.
Not a problem. We have a 20-year track record supplying premium and reliable filtration to many of New York City's most prominent high-rise buildings. That's a lot of expertise to offer and extensive field experience to share.
For existing buildings, there are numerous retrofit options. We supply manifold solutions, large and small, with knockdown skids that enable our equipment to easily pass through existing doorways. They can be located before or after the house pumps, depending upon available pressure and the individual characteristics of the building's water distribution design.
A retrofit solution where access was tight. Downstream of house pumps leveraging high pressure to support 10 micron -- fine enough to deliver the WELL Standard for Fundamental Water Quality.
Why do you need filtration?
The short answer: Because the City of New York is granted a Filtration Avoidance Determination by the EPA. The reason nearly all buildings suffer from brown water conditions is that there are unusually high levels of iron and manganese in our supply reservoirs. At the time water leaves the reservoirs 100 miles away these metals are in a dissolved state, unseen. But during the long journey to our city they precipitate out of solution and transform into visible dirt particles.
So for example if you recently opened a stellar new property and residents are expressing alarm at discolored tap water -- that’s why. In fact, the problem is commonly worse in newer buildings, because new piping has no internal build-up that serves as particle collection media.
About our company:
A mere five years after we introduced our customized Omicron Water Technologies line, the overwhelming majority of New York's most active developers choose Omicron 10 micron for their new projects and existing building retrofits.
And more buildings are offering their residents our XL7000, an NSF Standard 42 and 53 certified water filtration unit that fully replaces bottled water. The XL7000 fulfills both the WELL v2.0 W04 Enhanced Water Quality Feature and, together with Omicron 10 at the main, earns LEED Innovation in Design credit CSv2.0 IDc1.
It doesn't really matter whether your project sought LEED or WELL. These are important validators you can rely on when using our premium technologies.
What makes Omicron the optimal solution for New York's water conditions?
Sometimes bigger really is better. The fundamental rule of fine filtration is that the finer the filtration degree, the more screen surface area needs to be in place to accommodate the flow rate. It's mechanical physics -- constant and inviolable.
Year by year there is a growing demand for building-wide filtration at 10 micron -- which actually reduces Turbidity to below 1.0 NTU thus increasing the very transparency of tap water. (Something City residents really notice.)
Anticipating this demand, in early 2016 we reached an exclusive agreement with the world's most exacting manufacturer of automatic screen filtration -- STF Filtros in Spain. With enormous manufacturing facilities northwest of Barcelona, STF agreed to build for our exclusive distribution a customized, premium technology specifically to address New York's challenging and unique water conditions: Omicron Water Technologies.
Omicron systems for New York City high-rise projects underway at our factory in Spain.
Here's a quick summary of Omicron's unique attributes:
Efficiency of design that provides many times the screen area of any other manufacturer.
The capacity to operate well under high pressure, up to 360 psi. This allows filtration to be located downstream of the house pumps, leveraging high pressure in support of reliable 10 micron. This solution has been enthusiastically adopted by engineers and is now even "the rule".
Extensive design-build customization and field-settable values.
Diligent quality control and attention to detail during manufacturing.
More information about Omicron technologies.
Or cut to the chase and Contact Us.
* For those of you with an interest in both engineering and marketing, here's an intersection point: It used to be that NYC buildings put roof tanks at the top of buildings, and house pumps delivered water straight to that tank, with water gravity-fed to the floors below. Today owners recognize that the highest floors are the most valuable part of their buildings, thus placing a roof tank there is not an effective monetization of that space. The newer water distribution method is a constant pressure system that eliminates a roof tank. Because there is growing demand for higher water quality while available street pressure in NYC is steadily declining, our high pressure 10 micron systems, located downstream of the house pumps, accommodate both engineering and marketing demands.