About NYC water—filtered is better
New York City water is often called "the best". So why do nearly all buildings suffer from brown water conditions? Because as good as the water supplied to NYC might be at its source, a lot changes during 100 miles of flow from the reservoirs to our buildings.

Info for owners of multi-residential buildings
In an extremely competitive market, wellness and security have become top priorities for owners, developers and residents of high-rise buildings. Assuring the quality of potable water now ranks among top concerns.
Hydraulic vs. Electric power for screen filtration
The hard part of fine screen filtration is not the filtering itself. It is the scanning of dirt off the screen and restoring it to virtually 100% clean.

How to meet the WELL v2.0 Standards for water
With the recent release of WELL v2.0, we think it may be useful to share our views on how the Water Features apply specifically to New York City water conditions.

About NSF certification
Without NSF certification, a company can make any claim they want about their products with no independent verification available to the consumer.