Master Specs
There are six basic Omicron models, identified by screen area (cm2) per housing: 5300, 8000, 10600, 13200, 16500 and 21300.
Unless directed otherwise, filters are skidded at the factory with all ordered components integrated during fabrication.
Additional variables are:
Simplex, Duplex (Twin) or more, manifolded.
Housings in 316L stainless steel or coated carbon steel (CCS).
Standard pressure rating is PN10 (up to 150 psi). Also routinely supplied are high-pressure systems, either PN16 (up to 230 psi) or PN25 (up to 360 psi).
Screen perforation micron degrees are 10, 18, or 25 for most municipal applications. Coarser micron degrees are also available, from 50 to 1000.
The standard inlet/outlet is 6" or 4". Additional options are 3, 4, 8, 10, 12 and 14" or as ordered.
All models are available either with H (Horizontal) or V (Vertical) vessel orientation. For most applications, model 5300 is commonly ordered as V, and all larger models as H. This is primarily for ease of maintenance (occasional screen pullout), but often the primary driver of orientation is the available footprint.
If needed to boost pressure up to 8 psi during backwash cycles, filters are supplied with a flush line pump.
Considering the above design options, there are well over 1,000 variations among the six basic Omicron models alone. A master spec requires specifying among the various options to derive an engineered solution. For example, a common specification for a NYC high-rise building with a flow rate of up to 400 GPM is
Omicron Twin 16500-10(H) 316L PN25.
This indicates a duplex manifold of two Omicron 16500 housings, rated at 10 micron, Horizontal orientation, with housings in all 316L stainless steel and high pressure rated for up to 360 psi -- thus suitable for installation downstream of the house pumps.
Below are sample Master Specs for 10 of our most often specified models. Choose PDF, or Word for ease of editing.
MasterSpec Omicron 5300-25(V) 316L.docx
MasterSpec Omicron 5300-25(V) 316L.pdf
MasterSpec Omicron 8000-25(H).docx
MasterSpec Omicron 8000-25(H).pdf
MasterSpec Omicron 10600-10(H) 316L.docx
MasterSpec Omicron 10600-10(H) 316L.pdf
MasterSpec Omicron 16500-18(H).docx
MasterSpec Omicron 16500-18(H).pdf
MasterSpec Omicron 21300-10(H) 316L PN16.docx
MasterSpec Omicron 21300-10(H) 316L PN16.pdf
MasterSpec Omicron 21300-25(H).docx
MasterSpec Omicron 21300-25(H).pdf
MasterSpec Omicron Twin 5300-18(V) 316L.docx
MasterSpec Omicron Twin 5300-18(V) 316L.pdf
MasterSpec Omicron Twin 16500-10(H) 316L PN25.docx
MasterSpec Omicron Twin 16500-10(H) 316L PN25.pdf
MasterSpec Omicron Twin 21300-10(H) 316L PN25.docx
MasterSpec Omicron Twin 21300-10(H) 316L PN25.pdf
Note: Each Master Spec contains numerous values specific to the referenced model. For insight into which values are variable, see